Quick Start

To use FAKE.GitBook, we can generate a document GitBook.

Installing dependencies

Show an example to install FAKE and FAKE.GitBook using Paket

Create a paket.dependencies file in your project's root and specify some dependencies in it. If you don't install npm, you need to add Npm.js depencencies。

source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
source https://nuget.org/api/v2

nuget FAKE
nuget FAKE.GitBook
nuget Npm.js // if you don't install npm

Install dependencies referring to Paket - Getting Started.


Create a package.json file in your project's root.

  "name": "sample-book",
  "private": true,
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "gitbook sample",
  "scripts": {
    "prepublish": "gitbook install"
  "devDependencies": {
    "gitbook-cli": "^1.0.0",
    "gitbook-plugin-include-codeblock": "^1.5.0"

The build script

Create a build.fsx file in your project's root and write codes to load libraries.

#r @"packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
#I "packages/FSharp.Formatting/lib/net40"
#I "packages/FSharp.Compiler.Service/lib/net40"
#I "packages/FSharpVSPowerTools.Core/lib/net45"
#r @"packages/FAKE.GitBook/lib/net451/Fake.GitBook.dll"

And define a target.

open Fake

Target "Generate" (fun _ ->
  GitBook id id [Html]

RunTargetOrDefault "Generate"


Create a book.json file in gitbook directory.

  "structure": {
    "readme": "INTRODUCTION.md",
    "summary": "SUMMARY.md"
  "plugins": [

Writing documents

Write some documents using FSharp.Formatting style.


Run the command below:

packages\FAKE\tools\Fake.exe build.fsx

Sample porject

See also FAKE.GitBook.Sample.